Is your brain ready for “20 sweet 16”?

Is your brain ready for “20 sweet 16”?

Yes, I have already started calling it 20 ‘sweet’ 16.


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While checking the news feed on my facebook and linkedin page, one thing I’ve found very interestingly common, the goal setting thought/tips/strategies for kicking off 2016.

That inspired me to think back to the beginning of January 2015 to find what I have done differently to reach today. And I would love to share my ‘SOUL’ that I followed whole year:


I put my work and life in a system. Here, Input = here I check with my time, my energy, my resources and my sanity that I need to invest. And Output = my return on investment, how that can add value to my future, what more I need to do for my personal development and what my life style would look like.

But the most important thing is, the input shall be LESS than the output.


I visualises the output. That’s how I set my mind to start working on it before I take any action. It’s easy to visualise something you have already experienced or have seen. If you are visualising something you didn’t experience yet, is difficult to visualise, coz our according to neuroscience, brain has a limited resource for working on context. And I try not to visualise only, I also feel it, smell it, and absorb it, make my brain familiar to it.

Unique proposition:

I don’t believe in the word called ‘different’. I believe in uniqueness, my individuality. With my every single ‘ordinary’ work or behaviour, I keep trying to add something ‘extra’. No matter if it is with my colleagues, friends or family. I try to make my presence significant.


It’s always true that you do your best what you love. I understand it’s doesn’t always possible. Especially when you are stuck in a high traffic and getting late for your board meeting or your boss is parsing your peer for the brilliant idea which actually was from you. My trick for this is, I just make it up by myself. I do turn every single ‘hate’ act, word or attitude into “love”. I reappraise and rename it. That helps brain to stop taking anything in a negative manner rather as a positive booster.

Here I am sharing my ‘SOUL = System + Outcome + Unique proposition  + Love’ with you, hope you shall also take some time to seat back, have some own time and think deeply (a nice slow music can help your brain to activate for aha moment) about your transformation toward 2016 ( I call it 20 sweet 16) . Start with small, add a few small new habits – that will bring the big.

Where do you see yourself this time next year?


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