Savour Every Second!

Because, NOW is the time and YOU are the person.

Moments are like butterflies, with different colors and shades, which surround us all the time, day or night, workload-full office or home. But most of the time we are too concerned with our routine jobs and activities that we hardly can make some time to experience them.

Moreover, as a generation of fairy tales, sometimes we make ourselves to reach into our good feelings through our imagination, and that ‘sometime’ we choose after finishing all jobs, responsibilities and so on. But should we always wait till the deep dark night to let Peter Pan come with his magic, or to let Cinderella meet her Prince in a very magical moment?

Rather, we may ourselves do the magic, because, magic is within us!

If we just notice and grab a small beautiful butterfly moment flying around us, we can end up with having some colors left on our fingers – may be even for a short glimpse of time.

Similarly, if we are trying to make positive CHANGE of happiness in our life, our focus on 3C is the key –

Check: Check your interest and set your goal. Then work your way into a new habit with baby steps, and you’ll feel more successful every step of the way, and be less likely to give up.

Challenge: If you find challenge to achieve, ask help from others. Tell the supportive people in your life what you’re attempting to achieve, and tell them of your successes. This will give you added strength, and will make it less appealing to give up.

Celebrate: For each small goal you reach, allow yourself to feel pride, appreciate yourself and perhaps give yourself a small reward.

Actually, the most basic state of feeling happy is to recognize that ‘happiness is a state of mind’ and not something which can be defined quantitatively. And we are the CEO of our own mind to enjoy that.

So, what/whom are you waiting for?

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