12 Amazing Facts About Your Brain


by – John Assaraf

Did you know that conscious impulses can travel at speeds of up to 140 miles per hour? If you think that’s amazing, consider the fact that unconscious impulses travel at around 100,000 miles per hour.  The human brain has been called the fastest processor in the universe (at least, for now).

Here are 11 more amazing facts about the absolutely unbelievable power of your mind that you will want to be aware of, because understanding your mind and how it works is pivotal to your ability to achieve your own goals and dreams.

The Conscious Mind:

#2) Comprises 17% of Brain Mass

But it only controls 2-4% of your perceptions and behavior.


#3) Looks for Patterns and Objects that are Familiar

Interestingly, the conscious mind also rejects patterns and objects that aren’t familiar.

#4) Is Where Your Free Will Lives

This is the part of you that thinks and reasons, and it is also the part of you that will decide what kind of changes you need to make in order to live the type of life you want to experience.

#5) Is Under Your Control

No person or circumstance can force you to think about thoughts or ideas that you don’t specifically choose.

Portrait of dreaming and planing girl.

#6) Determines Your Results

The thoughts you choose and impress from your conscious mind to your subconscious will determine where you go and what you do.

The Subconscious Mind:

#7)  Is 5/6 of Your Brain Mass

Further, it controls 96-98% of your perceptions and behaviors.

#8) Averages 400 Billion Operations Per Second

‘Nough said!


#9) Is Non-Verbal

Your subconscious mind sees in pictures and patterns, which is why creating a vision board and regularly contemplating it is such a great idea.  Your subconscious mind actually believes as totally true every picture or image you send it.

#10) Doesn’t Know Truth From Fiction

This part of your brain doesn’t know the difference between an apple and a picture of an apple–or, for that matter, between reality and imagination.


#11) Directs Sensory Input

Your subconscious brain has to complete so many operations per second because it is constantly assessing sensory input and deciding what to do with information.

#12) Is Re-Trainable

If you have negative patterns of thinking, bad habits you want to change or an inability to move forwards in achieving your goals and dreams for your calmness of spirit, financial abundance, or loving relationships, you can change that via a program of brain re-training. Once an idea is chosen and consistently impressed and emotionalized into the non-conscious mind, perceptions and behaviors change to find and produce the desired result.


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